I’m SO excited to share one of my most beloved projects yet! Back in March, nearly all of my 💚Mar in Green™️💚 energy went into one large-scale green project I’ve been excited about since last summer, but needed a random excuse to sit down and prioritize.
Last year I did a lot of massive art projects for Aaron's and my wedding - I’m talking like crazy person amount of projects (thanks friends 💚). But the biggest and craziest one though is one that you haven’t seen in any pictures.

You see, I really wanted the music to be as special and personal as possible because our relationship literally started with a song collab, and our entire lives are pretty much centered around our various musical endeavors. So naturally, I performed a sappy love song for him, and he put together a DJ set for the end of the night, but that wasn't good enough...

My soul needed every piece of our wedding music to be as personal as possible, so I did what any reasonable person would do and wrote an entire symphony for our wedding 😆😭 Not from scratch though! The best part is, it’s like a quilt! Each movement was constructed from melodies and themes found in all the different songs we’ve ever written, together or separately, and many not even released yet! I had a LOT of fun arranging this and I know Aaron had a lot of fun polishing it up and adding his own razzle dazzle.
In total, there are seven pieces of music. The first five are the symphony movements that I arranged using melodic fragments from all the different pieces of music Aaron and I have written over the years, together and separately. The final two movements are original songs Aaron wrote for the processional and recessional. The symphony was played while guests were being seated and also given out on burned CDs as our wedding favors.

But that's not the end of the story!
As soon as the wedding was over, we embarked on a six-week honeymoon roadtrip across the country, beginning with Electric Forest and then heading north through Michigan's UP, straight west across all the northernmost states, and then down the west coast from Washington to the Redwoods in northern Cali.
We brought all the leftover CDs with us on our trip and gave them to cool strangers at campgrounds and gas stations across America. But we saved one for ourselves to listen to. Perhaps the most emotional and surreal part of the trip was listening to our wedding symphony while driving through the Redwoods.
There's something about hearing this music in the midst of trees that just feels RIGHT. We got married at a park/campground, with our ceremony right in front of a forest. But that forest had NOTHING on the Redwoods! As we were driving I couldn't help but capture the moment, so I started filming like crazy, with the intent of sharing not only the symphony, but the pure majesty of those moments with you all.

I am so proud of this project that I felt it deserved to be heard by more than just the people we could actually invite to our wedding, SO... back in March during 💚Mar in Green™️💚 month, I made music videos for them, using that footage from the Redwoods!
This project is so dear to my heart and I could ramble for hours about the many different layers of significance. Each one has so much story behind it and is special to us in so many ways, I’m really excited to share them all with you in the coming days 💚